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A colorful guide to our Company Policy

Purpose &


Cairo Office


June 2024

This guide serves as a comprehensive resource outlining the standards and practices that define our employment and workplace culture at Branding Bar. Our goal is to cultivate a fair, safe, and dynamic environment where everyone can thrive and collaborate effectively. By adhering to these guidelines, we can ensure our workplace remains respectful, inclusive, and inspiring for all team members.

These guidelines apply to all employees of the branding agency, including full-time, part-time, temporary, and contract workers.

Our policies are designed to comply with Egyptian labor laws and are applicable across all departments and locations within Egypt.


1.1. Equal Employment Opportunity

Our agency is committed to providing equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or any other characteristic protected by law.

1.2. Anti-Discrimination and Harassment

Harassment and discrimination in the workplace will not be tolerated. This includes any unwelcome conduct based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or other protected status. Employees are encouraged to report any incidents of harassment or discrimination.

1.3. Recruitment and Hiring Process

Our hiring process is designed to attract and retain the best talent. We follow fair recruitment practices, including job postings, interviews, and background checks.

1.4. Compliance with Egyptian Employment Law

All employees will receive a written employment contract in accordance with Egyptian labor laws. The contract will outline the terms and conditions of employment, including job duties, salary, and benefits.

1.5. Probation Periods

New employees may be subject to a probation period as specified in their employment contract, typically not exceeding three months, during which their performance will be evaluated.


2.1. Code of Conduct

Employees are expected to conduct themselves professionally at all times. This includes treating colleagues, clients, and partners with respect and integrity.

2.2. Dress Code

At Branding Bar, we value individuality and personal expression, so we do not enforce a strict dress code. However, we believe in maintaining a professional image, especially during client interactions.

2.3. Drugs and Alcohol

The use of illegal drugs and the abuse of alcohol on company premises or during work hours is strictly prohibited. Employees found to be under the influence may face disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

2.4. Workplace Harassment

Harassment of any kind, including sexual harassment, is not tolerated. Employees should report any incidents of harassment to their manager or HR. This policy complies with Egyptian laws on workplace harassment.

2.5. Noise and Distraction

Employees are expected to work in a manner that respects the work environment and minimizes disturbances. 

Please refrain from engaging in loud conversations, communal meals, or phone calls in the open workspace


Harassment or discrimination? Not on our watch! This includes any nonsense based on race, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, religion, or anything else. If you see something, say something. Open and honest communication is our jam, but keep it respectful. We’re not on a reality TV show. Listen to others! Everyone’s opinion matters. Let’s keep it drama-free!

Teamwork makes the dream work! Respect differing opinions because it’s not a debate club, it’s collaboration. Solve conflicts like adults. Or at least like teenagers who’ve had their coffee. Protect confidential info like it’s the last piece of chocolate. Don’t share it. Respect privacy—no snooping in others’ desk drawers, physical or virtual. Follow data protection policies!

Avoid conflicts of interest. If it seems sketchy, it probably is. If you think you might be in a conflict of interest, just ask. Better safe than sorry!  Take responsibility for your actions. If you spill the coffee, clean it up. Everyone messes up sometimes. Report unethical behavior because we’re all in this together!

Embrace diversity. Participate in inclusion training and initiatives because it’s fun and important! If you see something off, report it to your manager, HR, or anonymously. We’re here to listen! We take reports seriously and investigate them thoroughly. Gossip stays in the break room. Breaking the rules can lead to consequences, up to and including termination. Don’t be that person.

Compensation &

3.1. Salary Administration

Salaries at Branding Bar are determined based on job responsibilities, experience, market standards, and the results of your yearly appraisal. Branding Bar operates with a structured salary scheme based on levels within the organization. Salary reviews are conducted annually by the Managing Director (MD) and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), in collaboration with your direct manager.

3.2. Overtime Policy

Overtime will be compensated in accordance with Egyptian labor laws, either through additional pay or time off in lieu

3.3. Benefits Overview

3.3.1 Health Insurance 

Employees are eligible for health insurance benefits as part of their employment package.

3.3.2 Paid Time Off (PTO)

3.4. Maternity and Paternity Leave

Female employees are entitled to paid maternity leave for a period of four months. This leave can be utilized at the employee’s discretion but must commence no later than 45 days after delivery. Employees are eligible for paid maternity leave twice during their tenure with the company.

Upon returning to work after maternity leave, female employees are granted a daily nursing hour. This hour can be taken either in one go or divided into two segments, and will be accommodated within the working hours without any reduction in pay.

Female employees in establishments with more than 25 employees may opt for unpaid leave for child care for up to two years. This leave is granted up to three times during the employee’s service period

The company ensures that the employment of women on maternity leave will not be terminated, and they will not face dismissal due to their absence during this period.

Currently, there is no statutory paternity leave mandated by Egyptian law. However, our company recognizes the importance of paternity leave and is committed to providing 7 days of paid leave for fathers to support their partners and bond with their newborns.

3.5. Annual Leave

3.3.1 Annual Leave Duration

Employees are entitled to 21 working days of paid annual leave per year after they have completed at least six consecutive months of employment. Requests for annual leave (of three days or more) should be submitted at least three months in advance. Employees are encouraged to plan their annual leave in coordination with their colleagues to ensure smooth operations. The exact dates for annual leave should be settled and confirmed at least two weeks in advance.

3.4.2 Extended Leave

The annual leave increases to 30 days for employees who have either completed ten years of service or are over the age of fifty.

3.4.3 Carry Over 

Unused vacation days can be carried over into the next year, but needs to be used before the 31. of March

3.4.4 Leave Scheduling

Employers have the right to determine the dates of the annual leave based on work requirements, and employees are expected to comply.

3.4.4 Leave Settlement:

Employees must take at least 15 days of leave annually, of which at least six days must be consecutive. Employers are obligated to settle the leave balance or the corresponding wage for it every three years at most.

3.4.5 End of Service 

If the employment relationship ends before the employee has taken all of their annual leave, they are entitled to a payment equivalent to the balance of their leave

3.6. Sick Leave

Sick leave will be granted in accordance with Egyptian labor laws, with employees required to provide a medical certificate for absences longer than two days

3.7. Bereavement Leave

Employees are entitled to up to five days of paid bereavement leave in the event of the death of an immediate family member (spouse, parent, child, sibling, or grandparent). Employees must inform their manager as soon as possible and provide appropriate documentation if requested. Additionally, employees are encouraged to coordinate with their colleagues to ensure smooth operations during their absence. This leave allows employees to grieve and handle necessary arrangements while ensuring minimal disruption to the workflow.

About Sick Leave

Your health is our priority!

If you’re feeling under the weather, please notify your Manager and the Office Manager as soon as possible. Sick leave should be reported on the first day of absence, along with an estimated return date. For absences longer than two consecutive days, we kindly ask for a doctor’s note. Your well-being matters to us!

Work hours &

4.1. Work Schedules

Our standard work hours are from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Sunday to Thursday. Full-time Employees are expected to arrive at the office no later than 10:00 AM. Arriving after 10:00 AM will be considered a breach of company policy and may result in disciplinary action. Flexibility in work hours may be granted based on job requirements and with prior approval from your manager.

4.2. Attendance and Punctuality

„Regular attendance and punctuality are essential. Employees must inform their manager as soon as possible if they are unable to attend work or will be late. Employees are allowed to arrive late up to three times per month without consequence. Any expected late arrivals should be communicated to their manager in advance whenever possible. Employees are excused for up to 2 hours per month for lateness, which cannot be carried over to the next month. Any lateness beyond the excused 2 hours per month will be deducted from the employee’s overtime hours. Excessive tardiness beyond the allowed three times per month may result in disciplinary action.“

4.3. Leaving the Office Without Notice

Leaving the office in the middle of the day without notifying your manager is not allowed. Employees must inform their manager and get approval if they need to leave the office during work hours. Unauthorized absence from the office will be treated as a breach of company policy and may result in disciplinary action.

4.4. Working Hours and Rest Periods

In accordance with Egyptian labor laws, employees will not work more than 8 hours per day or 48 hours per week. 

Employees are entitled to a 1-hour break, which should not start later than 3 hours into the workday

4.5. Working from home

Working remotely may be authorized at the discretion of the Managing Director, with prior agreement. Exceptions may be outlined in individual employment contracts. Employees are required to inform their team members and update their calendar to reflect their remote work schedule.

4.6. Probation Periods

New employees may be subject to a probation period as specified in their employment contract, typically not exceeding three months, during which their performance will be evaluated.


5.1. Performance Reviews

Performance reviews are conducted annually to assess employee performance, set goals, and identify development opportunities.

5.2. Right to Appraisals

All employees have the right to appraisals. This process involves a fair and objective evaluation of their performance and contributions to the agency.

5.3. Training and Development Opportunities

We encourage continuous learning and offer various training programs to support employee development and career advancement.

Microsoft Teams

Jump right in

So, aside from good old face-to-face meetings, phone calls, and emails, we mostly communicate via Microsoft Teams. Make sure your actual status is visible. Your Teams account is automatically linked to your Outlook account, so you can jump right in. If you need a bit of a kickstart, your team will gladly show you the ropes and add you to the relevant teams

Effective Communication

Face to Face

When it comes to communicating with clients, the golden rule is: face-to-face or phone calls are most efficient. Personal connections are super important, especially in these remote working times, and we put a lot of emphasis on that! 

Reference Point

Don’t forget to document

Document important phone calls or meetings with clients through email. This not only ensures clarity and accountability but also provides a reference point for future discussions. By documenting decisions made and actions agreed upon, we create a transparent and professional communication environment that benefits both parties.


6.1. Open Door Policy

We maintain an open door policy to encourage open communication, feedback, and discussion about any matters of importance to an employee.

6.2. Complaint Resolution Process

Employees are encouraged to report any complaints or concerns to their direct manager or HR. All complaints will be handled confidentially and investigated promptly. Prior to escalating a complaint or a concern, employees are advised to first attempt to resolve the issue discreetly with the involved parties.

Should the complaint remain unresolved by the direct manager in a timely manner, the employee may then escalate the matter to the next level of management, and subsequently as necessary, until a resolution is achieved.

6.3. Disciplinary Procedures

Disciplinary actions will be taken in accordance with Egyptian labor laws for any violations of company policies or misconduct. This includes verbal warnings, written warnings, and termination if necessary.

Warnings for Underperformance

If an employee’s performance is deemed unsatisfactory, the following steps will be taken:

  1. Verbal Warning: An initial discussion to address performance issues and set improvement goals.
  2. Written Warning: If performance does not improve, a formal written warning will be issued, outlining specific areas needing improvement and a timeline for achieving these improvements.
  3. Final Warning and Action Plan: Continued underperformance may lead to a final warning, accompanied by a detailed action plan for improvement.
  4. Termination: If performance does not improve despite the warnings and action plan, the employee may face termination in accordance with Egyptian labor laws.

Workplace Assets &

7.1. Acceptable Use Policy

Employees must use company technology resources responsibly and for business purposes only. Unauthorized use of company resources is prohibited.

7.2. Email and Internet Use

Email and internet access are provided for business use. Personal use should be limited and not interfere with work responsibilities.

7.3 Use of Company Assets

General Guidelines

Company assets, including computers, software, telephones, and other equipment, are provided to employees for business use. Employees are expected to take care of these assets and use them responsibly.

Responsibility for Company Assets

Employees are responsible for the proper use and care of company assets assigned to them. This includes maintaining equipment in good working order and promptly reporting any damage or loss. In the event of damage or loss due to negligence, employees may be required to replace or reimburse the company for the cost of the asset..

Prohibited Uses

Employees must not use company assets for personal gain, illegal activities, or any purpose that could harm the company’s reputation or operations.

Separation from

8.1. Resignation

Employees wishing to resign should provide written notice as specified in their employment contract, typically 30 days

8.2. Termination

Termination of employment will be conducted in accordance with Egyptian labor laws. Employees will be provided with written notice and reasons for termination.

8.3 Exit Interviews

Exit interviews will be conducted to gather feedback and understand the reasons for an employee’s departure.

8.4. Final Pay and Severance

Final pay, including any accrued leave and severance, will be provided in accordance with Egyptian labor laws.

Confidentiality &

9.1. Confidentiality Agreement

Employees must sign a confidentiality agreement to protect proprietary and sensitive information. This includes information about clients, company strategies, and other confidential matters.

9.2. Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

Employees are required to sign an NDA to ensure that confidential information is not disclosed to unauthorized parties. Violation of this agreement may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

9.3 Non-Compete and Conflict of Interest

Employees are prohibited from working privately for any of our clients or engaging in activities that pose a conflict of interest with their role at the agency. Employees must disclose any potential conflicts of interest to their manager or HR.